Company G Executive Summary

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Company G is a deep-rooted, groundbreaking company leading the way in reimaging the standard of average household small appliances. In re-designing the ordinary small appliances into highly efficient, high quality and consumer friendly necessities, Company G has revolutionized the ease at which daily tasks can be completed. As Company G embarks on a mission to launch a supreme line of small appliances to meet and exceed consumer standards, Company G will maintain a minimal carbon footprint while maximizing its full product potential through innovation and efficiency.
Product Description and Classification
Company G Mission Statement
“We enable consumers to improve the quality and convenience of their lives by providing high-quality, innovative electronics solutions.” …show more content…

After much research, Company G concluded that the consumers wanted modernization and ease of use when looking to purchase a coffee maker. The engineers at Company G produced many new features, including, a phone application, a more varied single cup size and a reservoir to reheat a cooling cup of the consumer’s choice beverage. By allowing the consumer to start the brew process with an easy-to-use application for smart phones and giving them more choices for cup size, the G-Brew has added a never before seen convenience when needing that caffeine kick.
Consumer Product Classification
Although this new product line shares many aspects with both the Convenience Products and Specialty Products, the G-Brew is classified as a Shopping Product. With the new features and technology housed in the G-Brew, a mix of marketing factors are required. Consumers require ability to compare price and quality in shop as well as online.

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