Compare And Contrast American Imperialism In The Late 1800s And Early 1900

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Chloe Barone Mrs. Switzer AP U.S History 19 November 2014 Throughout the late 1800’s and early 1900’s America was busy establishing itself. Proving ourselves to be a dominant world power, we had possessed an undoubtedly strong navy and a piling list of countries we had taken under our wing. Although finally established America had started out small. During the 1840’s Americans had broke through social precedents as God’s chosen people to carry out Manifest Destiny, later shown by settling the Western Frontier. Paired with Social Darwinism, and the theory of “survival of the fittest”, these ideas have proved to be a continuation of previous expansion. Although during the early eighteenth century the motives of America had differed. Our focus was solely set on …show more content…

In the late eighteenth and nineteenth century, expansionism proved to be a greater departure from the methods of the path through new economic and political motives. America was no longer thinking in terms of of taking these new acquired Islands such as the philippines, and panama and making them states. The new concern was becoming a more protective world power, which was enforced through documents such as the Monroe Doctrine, and the Roosevelt Corollary. American imperialism during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, proved to be a continuation of the United State’s previous expansionism, through social and cultural justification. The idea of Manifest Destiny which had originally been introduced to us during the 1840’s, led to the kickstart of Western Settlement. The idea of Manifest Destiny professed the belief that America was destined by god to expand across the continent, to bless others as well as our selves with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These core values have seemed to carried over to the late nineteenth- century and early twentieth