Schopenhauer And Geor Hegel Analysis

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Ever since the beginning of time humans have searched relentlessly for answers to their everyday problems, from what are those white spots on the night sky to much complex questions like who am I, why am I here? For that we came up with answers that we found in religion, and after doing research we found the correct answers through science. Whatever science and religion couldn’t answer we then came up with philosophy. Philosophy can be interpreted in many ways, one of them through art, and each philosopher has their own point of view of it. In the following I will compare and contrast the ideas and thoughts of Arthur Schopenhauer and Geor Hegel.
In Schopenhauer’s philosophy, art is one of the solutions to the “misery of the world.” It can …show more content…

Upon reading Kant, Schopenhauer underwent what he called an intellectual rebirth and proceeded to use Kant’s core ideas as the foundation upon which he built his own philosophical edifice. Schopenhauer’s interpretation of Kant was that space-time and causality do not exist in the world but are instead features of our mind which it uses to construct our experience it should be noted that there is still disagreement as to whether Kant actually meant that these principles were principles of the mind. However that is how Schopenhauer interpreted him. The world as we experience it is structured by objects in space and time which have causal relationships with other things. Now if space- time and causality are features of the mind then it follows according to Schopenhauer that the objects of the world depend on the mind for their existence and that the world as we know it is a representation created by our mind. Schopenhauer famously expressed this idealist position by proclaiming the “the world …show more content…

If you were to take the idea of art as merely a sense of self expression, if you were to take art as a sense of aesthetic and sensual delight and pleasure , or if you were to take art as a set of habits and traditions of a culture or collection and you were to put those up to Hegel, one of the thing Hegel would probably would say is that all of those might be dimensions of art but if that’s what you try to say what art is you will have an impoverished notion in any of those. Why? Because one of the main things has to do with the idea of the culture and the freedom. When Hegel talks about art he is talking in the wake of Kant and Schiller he is very aware of the idea of freedom, of the idea of play, of the idea of genius and creativity. But Hegel believes that art is a unique avenue within culture that allows us to tap into and test the capacities of freedom. Art is rather extraordinary within culture because it depends so deeply and moves deeply through imagination. When we make art in a culture we imagine things that may not yet be concretely real but our possibilities. In the Hegelian point of view you are considering new dimensions, you are giving new interpretations and savoring as it were new possibilities within this vast dialectic that’s out there. You can look at a painting of a sunset or read a book about a war that was fought many years ago or listen to music that takes your mind