Compare And Contrast Augustine And Aquinas

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Augustine and Aquinas
St. Augustine, bishop of Hippo, was one of the first notable Christian philosophers. In his book “The City of God” he writes about two cities— a city of man that consists of those who live after the flesh (human desires) and the city of god that consists of people who live after the spirit (refraining from sin and using the divine law to achieve being virtuous). According to Augustine, there is nothing intrinsically good but God, God’s moral law is written in our hearts since he is our creator and if one follows God’s moral law (divine law) they will have salvation. Salvation will be ones true and final happiness as there is no happiness in this life even if one is virtuous. True justice and peace are accomplished only after salvation, not in this world. In his view, the government is extremely important considering it restrains a world of sinners who would misbehave if there were no laws. Governments have the right to create any law that does not conflict with the word of God and citizens have a duty to obey the laws. Nonetheless if obedience to God and authority conflict one must always choose obedience to God regardless of the punishment.
St. Thomas Aquinas, another notable Christian philosopher who sought to combine Augustine and Aristotle’s thoughts and find a way in which reason and faith could work together. In his work “The Treatise of Law from Summa Theologica, he shares his views that the world is ruled by natural (secular) law where we can