Compare And Contrast Beethoven 9th Symphony And Symphonie Fantastique

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The Classical era for music started in the 1750’s and ended in the 1820’s when the Romance era had started. Classical music is mainly homophonic and less complex than music that was formed in the romantic era. One of the main differences found within the two era’s is that in the romantic era music was all about telling a story something one might call “programmatic”. While classical music although it may tell a story to the composer it leaves more left to the imagination within the music letting your mind wander a bit. Two pieces of music that can be compared to one another are Beethoven’s 9th symphony and Symphonie fantastique written by Hector Berlioz. Beethoven’s 9th symphony was composed in the classical period while Hector Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique was composed in the romantic era. Each beautiful pieces but, each within a completely different musical context.
Beethoven’s 9th symphony is one of the most famous classical pieces written by him in 1824. The piece starts out with a deep crescendo and is slightly dark. It is made up in the homophonic nature within the ABA format. The tone is dark and then gets a little lighter and goes back to being dark each goes along with the cresenendo’s and decresendo’s that are found within the …show more content…

The piece starts out rather light and playful as well as slightly quiet kind of similar to the beginnings of Beethoven’s 9th. The piece quickly changes into sort of a more dance like piece and the format is more related to the ABAC format than any other. The piece is very dream like and soft. The symphonie itself calls for 90 instruments, which is very different in contrast to Beethoven’s music. The piece is programmatic and tells a storyline of a lively artist that has poisoned himself with opium in the depths of despair because of a hopeless love. The symphonie is made up of five movements to develop the character of the