Compare And Contrast Canadian Health Care Vs American Healthcare

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I grew up in Canada and recently moved to the U.S. just over three years ago so seeing how the Canadian Health care system works versus the American is quite different and of course a lot more expensive. The way the Healthcare system is set up and organized in the U.S., actually ends up depriving a lot of Americans from getting the healthcare they need. An article from the 2009 American Journal of Public health cites that about 45,000 people die annually simply because they do not have health insurance. That was 7 years ago but that number has not dropped dramatically. Healthcare should never be considered a luxury or privilege but rather a necessity for every single human being. There are many countries in the world, most have healthcare …show more content…

In the book, Why HealthCare Matters, it’s confirmed that nearly 47 million Americans do not have healthcare. As healthcare prices and insurance increases, it does not match the rate at which inflation increases. In the 1970’s there was a time when people just paid the Doctor directly for services and they even made house calls. Over the past 40 years this has changed dramatically. I believe the government’s doing too little in helping Americans get the healthcare coverage they need. Not just for the better salary bracket people but for ALL Americans. Due to so much money being taken out of paychecks if you work for a company that offers Health insurance, a lot of people are starting to decline because as Health Insurance rises, so does the premiums even with your employer and making it become simply unaffordable. Even the rising Health Insurance cost is starting to put companies out of business. Don’t even think about looking into Healthcare if it’s NOT offered by an Employer because those prices are astronomically high and will put an average living household into debt. I believe the government is either in denial or not compassionate enough about this topic to actually make a change. There