Compare And Contrast Characters In Fahrenheit 451

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Compare and contrast Clarisse McClellan and Mildred Montag. Clarisse Observant "Bet I know something else you don't. There's dew on the grass in the morning." "And if you look"—she nodded at the sky—"there's a man in the moon." Appreciates life not the possessions Catches the raindrops in her mouth. Mildred Lacks social skills due to increase in technology and isolation and decrease of actual conversations “She went out into the parlor. He heard her singing. ‘Mildred?’ he called. She returned, singing, snapping her fingers softly.” As guy is sick in bed she doesn’t give him any attention Similarities At one point in her life she was curious “The most significant memory he had of Mildred, really, was of a little girl in a forest without trees ( how odd!) or rather a little girl lost on a plateau where there used to be all trees ( you could feel the memory of their shapes all about) sitting in the center of the “living room.” (44) Both cause a change in guy …show more content…

They both are similar in the fact that they affect Guy in some way and both end up being products of their society. Along with these similarities are their many differences which include what they represent, how they act, and what they get out of

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