Compare And Contrast Crazy Horse And Sequoyah

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Two of the most influential Native American leaders of U.S. history are Crazy Horse and Sequoyah. Sequoyah of the Cherokee Native American tribe was a scholarly leader who excelled at teaching and innovating. Contrary to Sequoyah was Crazy Horse, a legendary warrior, mentor, and strategist. Although their leadership is practiced in divergent applications, Crazy Horse and Sequoyah’s style and methods are nearly indistinguishable, which is validated by their prodigious capability to analyze, innovate, and teach. Crazy Horse and Sequoyah’s analytical minds give them the ability to interpret with logic, to take the best actions for their people. Sequoyah recognizes the strengths of other peoples: “Sequoyah became convinced that the secret of what he considered the white people’s superior …show more content…

The United States people, one of the most thriving societies in the history of the world, had an immense strength that Sequoyah identified: writing and reading. He realized that as part of a species who thrives on knowledge, the white’s overwhelming power came from their ability to store and send information with written language. Through the analyzing of an already successful citizenship, Sequoyah was able to apply the strengths of that group to his own tribe. Therefore, this quality Sequoyah possessed allowed him to lead his people on an already proven path. Such situations are comparable to those of Crazy Horse: “Crazy Horse’s vision had told him he would be a fighting man, and, thus far, he had honored that foretelling, and would do so for as long as he could.” (141 Marshal III). Crazy Horse, also analyzed situations in depth, similarly too

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