Compare And Contrast Directional Selection And Disruptive Selection

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Jessica Northey Exam Number 250104
1.Compare and contrast directional selection and disruptive selection, Provide and example of each.

Directional selection and disruptive selection differ because instead of the subject only going in one direction it will split off and go two different ways for example if some flowers and their colors. The main colors may be red, pink and white primarily, and the more dominate color being a pink flower. But if we remove the pink flower completely from the equation then the flowers will shift toward the dominant white color over the red. In a directional selection there is only one trait and it is always that dominant trait that dictates body of the population. The best example to show this is that in the area that giraffes live in the vegetation is in the higher trees so the giraffe has adapted a neck that is long enough to reach the vegetation that is crucial to its survival. It’s a lot like being graded on a curve where Directional selection is only going to have one peak to its curve but disruptive would have two peaks.

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Vertebrates are known to be animals with backbones. Tooth reduction is one of the major evolutionary trends that developed among major vertebrate groups that allowed for the transition from aquatic to terrestrial life. Evolution of limbs and being able to breath air are other evolutionary trends that took placeThese trends include improved respiration and protective and insulating body coverings. More over the transition from water to land also included changing to more efficient reproductive methods like having a placenta for some animals or egg layers for other animals. Lastly, the morphology of organisms evolved such that for land they would have paired, muscular appendages used for crawling and