
Compare And Contrast Disaster In The Sky And The History Channel

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Justin Tindall, Diana Velasquez, Ezekiel Gerler Mrs. Coleman 6th hour 27 January 2023 The Challenger disaster was the first mission to go sideways for NASA. There are similarities and differences between the “Disaster in the Sky” and the History channel's personal account of the story. In both of the articles it talks about what Ronald Reagan did to help America get through this time. In “Disaster in the Sky” they talk more about NASA knowing of the problem with the O-ring. However, in the History channel's account they never mention NASA having any knowledge of the problem. Kristin Lewis altered the history of the challenger by telling the account of everybody in the classroom. In both of the articles it talks about what Ronald Reagan did to help America get through this time. The text states, “President Ronald Reagan appointed a commission to investigate …show more content…

However, in the History channel's account they never mention NASA having any knowledge of the problem. The text states, “But the engineers had observed something troubling. On previous missions, some of the rockets pulled from the sea had burn marks on the sides. That meant burning rocket fuel was leaking—and a major explosion could occur. The risk seemed to be greater in cold weather.”(page.8). Most importantly, this shows that Nasa had knowledge of the problem and ignored it which was largely ignored in the History channel. The text states, “The investigation determined that the disaster was caused by the failure of an “O-ring” seal in one of the two solid-fuel rockets. The elastic O-ring did not respond as expected because of the cold temperature at launch time, which began a chain of events that resulted in the massive loss”(par.4). The history channel however mentions there was an investigation into the disaster and the failure with the “O-ring”. The Author wanted to show how the event was being

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