Compare And Contrast Edmundson And Gerald Graff

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Gerald Graff’s Hidden Intellectualism and Mark Edmundson’s On the uses of Liberal Education are both well rounded articles. They go into depth about what education means in this time frame. They have strong statements about education and even go off their own life experiences on what education means. While it may seem as though these articles are similar. They, however, do lack compatibility. For one, Edmundson is focused on higher education at colleges, while Graff is focused on the education of high schools. Also, Graff is trying to change the teachings at high school levels that way the curriculum will be able to grab the intellectualism that is hidden in these students, whereas Edmundson is focused on maintaining original teachings at high …show more content…

One being their articles have different aims. In Graff’s piece, he keeps pointing out “that students harbor intellectual resources – “Street smarts” – that go untapped by formal schooling”. (22) This is Graff’s main opinion on what he thinks education is lacking. Throughout his whole article, he wants you to know that educators can “’overlook the intellectualism latent in supposedly philistine pursuits.” (22) Edmundson opinions from his article are more about “universities with their multiple woes.” (632) I think Edmundson feels that if school boards ahead to students needs of making school easier, presentable, and comfy will students learn from that environment and will those students be able to maintain a level of intellect that is needed when moving on in higher education. I think Graff is saying if we do ahead to the students’ needs they will learn more because they will feel comfortable and they will feel they can engage in discussions they take interest …show more content…

“My own working premise as a teacher is that inside every street-smart student there is latent intellectual trying to break out”. (23) Graff is willing to dig deep in able to get these students to understand and find that intellectual person that has always been inside them. Graff, I think feels if you push the students hard enough the intellectualism inside them will show through and come out in unexpected ways. I feel he also thinks if you can get the students to relate “street smarts” with classwork they will be able to put together connections with learning and therefore put connections together in life. Edmundson is concentrated on having students who are already in the high-level institutes have the intellectualism be outside of them and have it stay the same. I think Edmundson feels that students who are already at these Universities do not need that push to find their intellectualism because if their, there at high level schools that intellect should already be surrounding them in group discussions, writing’s,