Compare And Contrast Essay On 9/11

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September 11, 2001, the nation became one. The morning was calm and the birds were chirping from the tops of each building. The bright morning sun lit the cloudless sky. This day in history would be perfectly imperfect. At 8:46am, the first plane crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. The impact of the plane left a giant gaping hole where hundreds of civilians in the World Trade Center were instantly killed. The city was discombobulated and startled. They didn’t know whether the world was ending or if the rumors of a terrorist were true. At 9:03am the second plane plunged into the south tower and civilians knew that we were under attack. Both towers fell soon after and countless people survived, but an abundant lives were lost. We will forever remember the lives that were lost during this tragedy. Weeks after September 11th were very important to our country and brought us together. Á great deal of New York was covered in the rubble of the twin towers. An abounding amount of people, including policemen, firefighters, and anyone that was near by was helping as many people to safety as they could. 20 people were pulled …show more content…

September 11th showed us that in the darkest of times, we can come together, no matter our gender, race, ethnicity, or political views. The numerous amount of people that helped save so many civilians during and after the collapse of the twin towers can not be thanked enough. Our hope for the future is to become less divided and help each other like the thousands of people did during the tragedy. Looking at where we are now, we need to see other point of views and listen to what they have to say. If others were to listen carefully and support the nation as one, we can spend more time discussing our future more than arguing about the past. One way we can help the future of our country is to use The Constitution of the United States to make wise and intelligent decisions for the

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