Compare And Contrast Essay On Andy Goldsworthy

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The Similarity and Difference between Andy Goldsworthy & Landmarks Sculpture
Andy Goldsworthy is well-known as a British sculptor. He lives in Scotland and creates his artwork there as well. I viewed a YouTube video called "Andrew Goldsworthy 's River and Tides." Andy creates art using materials from nature such as flowers, leaves pinecones, snow, thorns etc. I also went to the Landmarks sculpture exhibit at Montgomery College. Mostly all of the artwork was made out of materials from nature. They were all very nice and unique sculpture. After viewing the film of Goldsworthy 's artwork and looking at the Landmarks sculptures at Montgomery College, I 've noticed that both are similar in terms of their purpose and different in where they locate their artwork. …show more content…

One similarity between Andy Goldsworthy 's artwork and the Landmark sculpture exhibit is their purpose of creating art using materials from nature. In my opinion, nature sometimes isn 't viewed as part of art. It 's also not appreciated as much nowadays. Goldsworthy views nature as a piece of art that can be built together to make an art piece. When people look at Goldsworthy artwork, they are impressed by how he only uses nature materials to create art. In addition, Goldsworthy shares a similarity with landmark sculpture. In the Landmark sculpture exhibit, there is mostly artwork made out of materials from nature. For example, there was an artwork in the exhibit called "protect. nurture. release." By Jacqui Crocetta. It was a dress made out twigs and wire. My perspective of Goldsworthy 's artwork and the Landmarks sculptures purpose of gathering nature materials and turning it into art is to prove to people that they don’t have to spend so much money on art when they have their own materials outside their local area. Another purpose of their artwork is to have people reflect on how beautiful nature is and the importance of taking care of the