
Compare And Contrast Essay On The Catcher In The Rye

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In J.D. Salinger's The Catcher In The Rye, he tells the story of Holden; a sixteen year old boy who is alone in Manhattan and is ....In both novels the main characters are forced to mature far too early in their lives, causing loss of innocence and harm in their older selves. Sadly, both Holden and Mud endure the absence of parents, the expectation that they engage in sexual activity and the death of loved ones at such young ages. Throughout the novels, both Holden and Mud do not have the support of their parents; whom only appear in one scene respectably. Holden is sent t and kicked out of 4 boarding schools and he believes his parents will just ship him off to a military school. Holden's parents only appear distantly in one scene and in this scene they are talking to Phoebe while Holden hides in a closet. In Mud's case,however, her mother is only in one scene of the book because in this one scene she gives birth to and names Mud then dies. The absence of parents in these younger years causes both Mud and Holden to grow up and mature sooner than normal. …show more content…

Holden on his first night of freedom from Pencey Prep hires a prostitute for no other reason than the fact that other guys his age were doing similar things. Contrastingly, Mud has had Tall Time chasing after her since she was a young calf and when she did hit puberty she was immediately impregnated during her first oestrus. When a Cow (female elephant) is impregnated they receive a new name; Mud's new name is She-Spurns, a name far worse than anything she had imagined. These sexual acts occur years before what is mentally health; causing immediate and long term harm to both Holden's and Mud's purity and

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