Compare And Contrast Gawain And Beowulf

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Well known heroes, Beowulf and Gawain are famous for their bravery. They had entered a battle by themselves; risking their lives for the justice of villains. They both live by their unwritten rules: loyalty to the king and nobility. They also hope that when the die they will be remembered in a positive way. Even though Beowulf and Gawain have many similar values and actions, their personalities and intentions could not be more different. One difference between the two heros is how important they see themselves. Beowulf’s attitude towards himself is showcased throughout the story. For example, a man named Unferth said that Beowulf would lose to the beast like he had lost to Breca. Then Beowulf said that he lost because they not only were separated, but he had to fight sea monsters-- making the waters safe to sail again (Beowulf 500). This showes how Beowulf was bostfull and arrogant. Then Gawain’s veiw it …show more content…

Throughout the story Beowulf appeared to be flawless. For example, he fought grendal without any problem and did not even let one bite of fear show. Then he fought his mother struggleing only a little, but still ended up with the upperhand braver than ever. Even when he meet his match with the dragon and ended up losing his life; he still didn’t have any major problems or regreats. Therfor making him seem to be flawless. Wereas Gawain appeared to be flawed. For example when he was going to have the Green Knight chop of his head it took up to the third time in order to touch Gawains fleash because he had freacked out the first time. Then he also partialy failded the test which the Green Knight gave him beacause he did not give the Green Knight the girdle he received. Leaving him with a scare and having to wear the girdle for the rest of his life. This shows how Gawains were more emphaszed throughout the story. Even thought they are not perfectly alike, they will both be remembered as great war