Compare And Contrast: Harrison Bergeron

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Compare and Contrast “Harrison Bergeron” It’s 2081 where everyone is supposed to be equal, but no one is truly equal. “Harrison Bergeron” the text and the video had similarities and differences. In the text, Harrison seemed like more of a sweet little angel whereas the video shows that Harrison is not much of a sweet angel with his actions. Both the text and video “Harrison Bergeron” were interesting. While both the video and text share a theme, they have a different plot, atmosphere, and conflict. The video and text “Harrison Bergeron” share the same theme. The theme that both the video and text demonstrate is the more work you try to put into making something equal is the less equal it becomes. "If I tried to get away with it," said George, "then other people'd get away with it-and pretty soon we'd be right back to the dark ages again, with everybody competing against everybody else. You wouldn't like that, would you?". George tried to make his-self equal to other people. George taking the pounds off his neck trying to be equal to other people would only make other people do it. If everyone had tried to be normal again no one would be equal. The text “Harrison Bergeron” and the video …show more content…

The conflict in the video is that Harrison is trying to kill everyone and is putting people in danger. In the video the police were already previously looking for Harrison for his actions in the past. The solution to the problem was to imprison Harrison. However, the conflict in the text is people fighting to try to make everyone equal when they're never going to be equal. Many times the people fought to be equal. They even tried to drop pounds off their neck to be like the normal people. Everyone trying to be normal was going to make a bigger conflict because everyone would feel like it was right to be more normal. It would be a bigger conflict because it was their goal to be