Compare And Contrast Ichabod Crane And Brom Bones

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Ichabod Crane and Brom Bones are two, extremely different characters. Both of the characters’ names represented them well; Ichabod Crane was tall and lanky, while Brom Bones was muscular and strong. Ichabod was an educated being and also apprehensive. Unlike Bones who was arrogant, upfront, and more street-smart than book-smart. A few things that contrasted between the actions of both of them is that Ichabod didn’t know how to ride a horse very well, he taught music, was a school teacher, he helped people all around the town with their farms, and had to work hard for his goals. Brom Bones on the other hand was an excellent horseman, was always ready for a fight, and was the alpha mall in the town that got all the ladies. Katrina would have