
Compare And Contrast Inca And Aztecs

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1. Aztecs: There wasn’t a group called "Aztecs" until the Mexica allied with two nearby states. They moved into central valley during a political crisis but flourished once they started building Tenochtitlan in 1325. Aztecs where a dominant military player; they had a violent army that forced taxes on neighbors, conversions and labor. Being surrounded by "floating gardens" is what flourished their economy as well as their agriculture. Aztecs were able to expand and grow crops into the Chinampas, which allowed them to commercialize their economy with markets. Many of the goods that they were able to obtain through trade were slaves who they used for sacrifices to fuel their religious life. Sacrificial rituals were a display of wealth to enemies …show more content…

Incas had a bureaucratic empire, every province had an Inca governor. While Incas made it a requirement for the people to recognize Inca deities, the people were free to practice religion freely. As for their economy, they demanded everyone had to do a labor service known as mita which was on farms. For their religion they believed men's descent was from their fathers and women from their mothers. Given this religious cults for men and women arouse, as men worshipped the sun and women the moon.

2. The aztec and the Incas were together larger in territory and population than Spain and Portugal together. Aside from I feel like they differed in a politics from europe because both the Aztec and the Incas had a centralized emperor who required the people to work for the greater good of the empire from farming, producing craft goods for markets, and forced upon labor. They were more advanced than Europe And Africa in a way because they had a centralization which allowed them to focus on the building of their economy and militia to become bigger and better than europe as they focused on individual

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