Between the sixteen and seventeenth century, individuals began emigrating to various places all around the globe. A significant moment in history when people began to leave everything they knew, and went out to seek out something better. Britain, like the Spanish, French, and Dutch, sought and obtained colonies in the “New World.” Although unlike the Spanish Britain experienced various failed attempts at settlement in North America before actually engendering its first colony in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. Around two decades later, a puritan exodus had begun, this resulted in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, to the north of Jamestown. both of the colonies. Shared a common British heritage. The New England regions had expeditiously taken distinct characteristics predicated on their differing social, economic and geographic factors, as that by 1700, the communities stood in stark contrast to one another. These …show more content…
As Puritans, they sought to establish a purified version of Protestantism in the “New World.” They strongly believed that it was entirely their responsibility and God's expedition that they engender morals. John Winthrop was a huge advocate, who became the governor of Massachusetts. Bay Colony had described this responsibility in his Model of Christian Charity, a sermon written for the group of Puritans that first arrived to the New World. (1) Winthrop believed that God would punish England for its hershey, and believed that English puritans needed a safe place for the meantime of God's wrath. 2. The primary motivation in the Chesapeake was not religion, but instead economics. Those that had departed from Jamestown expected to extract tribute from the region's Indian populations while it sought out valuable commodities. This resulted in competition, rather than bonding over the settlement, which was a far devastation from Winthrop's vision of “brotherly