
Compare And Contrast John Smith And William Bradford

452 Words2 Pages

Carson Daly
Mr. Tucker
English III Lit September 13, 2016

Compare/Contrast Essay

John Smith and William Bradford were both leaders of colonies in the new world. They both wrote about the experiences they had from different points of views. John Smith wrote his famous story The General History of Virginia takes place in the Virginia and Jamestown area. William Bradford wrote his famous story Of Plymouth Plantation takes place in Massachusetts and the Plymouth area. This essay will compare how the story is told, what the view of the native americans is like, and what its purpose is.

John Smith and William Bradford had very different writing styles. Smith preferred to write his stories from the third person about himself and made it seem as if it was a tale. He did this often to make himself seem as a sort of hero. Bradford’s stories were factual and he wrote from his point of view which showed his …show more content…

Of Plymouth Plantation showed the natives as kind friendly people and as allies, also trading many times. "Being after some time of entertainment and gifts dismissed.” pg. 83 Bradford respectfully called the natives Indians and even talked with them on several occasions. The General History of Virginia showed the natives as gruesome and barbaric. "Six or seven weeks those barbarians kept him

prisoner.” pg. 74 Smith viewed the native americans as savages and one time used a native guide as a shield when he was surround by natives.

Each of the stories have a few different purposes. Both served a purpose to bring people to their colony and tell the story. The General History of Virginia was wrote to make John Smith seem like a hero and great person. Of Plymouth Plantation had more educational purpose along with keeping information true. The point of view also changed the way they were used as a third person view could make it seem less bias if it is not

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