Compare And Contrast King Cotton Slavery And The Old South

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Sebastien Karo

Cotton, Slavery, and the Old South
1 - “King Cotton” The decline and limits of the tobacco, sugar, rice, and long staple cotton forced the region to shift to short staple cotton which was a hardier and coarser strain that grew very successfully in the South. It was harder to remove the seeds, but the cotton gin solved that problem. The demand of cotton was growing rapidly and as a result, ambitious men and women hurried to establish new cotton-growing regions and the production of cotton grew rapidly. Producing 5 million bales a year by 1860 and was the linchpin of the Southern economy which led to the phrase “King Cotton!”. R - It emphasizes how cotton boomed the economy for the South. Pg 294-295

2 - “Deep …show more content…

He left the church in 1832 to devote himself entirely to writing and teaching the elements of transcendentalism. He was a grand figure whose speeches drew in big crowds. He created many poems, but was known for his essays and lectures. Such as Nature in 1836, one of his best known essays in which he wrote that in the “quest for self-fulfillment, individuals should work for a communion with the natural world”. He was also a committed nationalist, an ardent proponent of American cultural independence. R - He let others know to go on a journey of truth to find themselves. Pg …show more content…

Individuals would gather to create a new form of organization, where everyone pitched in for the community. R - Allowed people to live in a society free from oppression and judgement. Pg 319

10 - Nathaniel Hawthorne Hawthorne was one of the original residents of Brook Farm and was a writer who expressed his disappointment with the experiment and even transcendentalism by writing The Blithedale Romance in 1852 which portrayed the disastrous consequences of Brook Farm. He Wrote the Scarlet Letter. One of the most influential books of its time. Is still read today as a classic. Was written to explain the hard life of an adulterer. R - Showed the true colors of Brook Farm. Pg 320

11 - Margaret Fuller Fuller was a leading transcendentalist who emphasized the importance of "self" in Transcendentalism, and helped change gender roles in society. Advanced women. R - She helped change gender roles for women. Pg 320

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