Life To Tell By Elie Wiesel

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A Night to Tell The true stories told in Life To Tell and Night have an inspirational effect on readers. Between the mass genocides and struggling with their faith, Immaculée Ilibagiza and Elie Wiesel tell two separate amazing stories that spark history forever. Whether being actually dead or being spiritually dead in their faith, both Immaculée and Elie provide hope in their experiences. Their specific experiences are different, but what they go through similar struggles. With their brawls in faith, hope, God, and within themselves, both individuals show a side of themselves to the world that they never have before. Immaculée and Elie undergo how suffering can strengthen faith and how overcoming doubts are essential to surviving horrific experiences. …show more content…

Immaculée was hunted in a mass genocide in Rwanda. She was continuously praying as she was hiding from the murderers that were previously her friends and family. She struggles to pray earnestly because she is angry that the pastor who hid her in his own home forced her brother to leave and possibly be slaughtered. Ilibagiza expresses that the devil was constantly getting into her head, but she constantly chose to listen to God over him. “The devil whispered in my ear, ‘Why are you calling on God?’” (Ilibagiza 78). Elie also believes in God, but as time goes on he starts to believe that he is not in God’s favor. He is constantly rejected by hope and thinks he, being a Jew, is brought to camps to die. The main focus for the prisoners is that they survive. “In this place, it’s every man for himself” (Wiesel 10). Throughout both experiences, Immaculée and Elie struggle to keep their faith, but in the end, even the little hope in Elie that there is a God, helps him survive. Immaculée knows that without God, she would not be alive. “If I lost my faith, I knew I wouldn’t survive” (Ilibagiza 80). Elie is hard on himself because he is a Jew, and he believes he is overall worthless. But he stills speaks to himself knowing that if he made it this far, then there is a reason he is still here. Along with Immaculée, she knows God is with