
Compare And Contrast Lincoln And Frederick Douglass

156 Words1 Pages
Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass were heroic men who fought for freedom for all people. Many people were influenced by Lincoln and Douglass, Lincoln was able to speak about how slavery was horrid and Douglass was able to tell people about how it was to be a slave. “I felt like one who had escaped a den of hungry lions.” (SB p. 71) Douglass gave an image to people who hadn’t seen the evil of slavery for themselves. People were able to look up to Lincoln as a leader, as a captain who could lead them through the tough times of civil war. “The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,” (SB p. 69) Lincoln and Douglass were like puzzle pieces that fit together, they filled the part that the other could not. Together Lincoln and
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