
Compare And Contrast Lincoln And Mandela

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Abraham Lincoln undermined “the foundations of the U.S. republic,” but then became president a few years later, in 1861, which is different because he may have not been loyal and trustworthy. Also, Nelson Mandela went against his government, and became president years later. These two men were very well trusted by the people of the country, and they also came up with many ideas. The ideas that they came up with were shared with others and the ideas began to spread, including to the government. Abraham Lincoln and Nelson Mandela are similar by freeing African Americans and having a presidential history; despite them being similar, they also have their differences where Lincoln never engaged in illegal actions and wanted no violence with the …show more content…

Lincoln and Mandela both had the same thought of equality between African Americans and white people. Abraham Lincoln's main accomplishment was freeing African American slaves. Lincoln went against all others to show people that slavery was wrong. He brought to people’s attention that every person has individual human rights, which are life, liberty, and property. When he brought up this issue to others, he said how people will turn him down and they will reject it. Even though people rejected it, he says that it is still wrong and it will never stop being wrong. Lincoln then brings up God, making Him sound like a supporter towards Abraham Lincoln. He states that "God's wrath could destroy the country" and that the American Civil War was a punishment for the slavery that they have. He used God for people to agree and says that the punishment from him will not stop, unless slavery stops. Because of this comment, people agree with Lincoln because they do not want anymore punishment from God. Nelson Mandela was a part of the African National …show more content…

Abraham Lincoln wanted no violence with the government, whereas Nelson Mandela started violence with others. Abraham Lincoln's speech called "Emancipation Proclamation", which ended a lot of slavery. Lincoln wrote a speech which was announced on September 22, 1862, about changing the way that the Civil War is pushing them and to make American History by ending slavery and everyone being free forever. He states how the armed forces of the U.S. will liberate the slaves and all people will be "forever free." They will go against the government and create a rebellion in the objective to end slavery. This speech also said that the government will keep up with the freedom of the people and make sure that all people are free, and without violence. Abraham Lincoln also said that he will take the judgement of all mankind and also from God, which means that he will take the opinions of other people before proceeding with something that only he wants to happen. Nelson Mandela and the rest of their group created many mass protests and they once turned to terrorism, but the government banned it. The ANC had a meeting and they planned a campaign called the mass civil obedience, which was a response to "South's Africa's racist apartheid legislation." He was arrested for this campaign, banned from the ANC meetings, and "prohibited from leaving

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