Compare And Contrast Literacy And Numeracy

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The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) student reports, cover the results of the students’ performance with five scales: reading, writing, spelling, grammar & punctuation, and numeracy, using ten bands, six for each year level (National Assessment Program, 2016). NAPLAN is a test used to assess the progress of students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in literacy and numeracy- individually, within their school and state (ACARA, 2016). The Year 9 NAPLAN numeracy exam (2012), targets different areas of mathematics to assess the students’ knowledge using a scale of bands 5 to 10. The national minimum average depict a portion of the skills and understandings students can generally exhibit at their specific year level, in a particular subject or area (ACARA, 2016). The purpose of this assignment was to compare and understand different strategies in solving a given problem. “Questions required students to apply mathematical knowledge, skills and understandings in a variety of contexts”, (ACARA, 2104, p.1). Students can benefit from different approaches as it increases their …show more content…

I immediately noted that I needed to calculate the mean, median, range, and the total cost of Sally’s tickets. Furthermore, I understood that two sets of calculations are needed in order to solve the question: one with the $34 3D ticket and one without. That was my plan. Secondly, I re-read the problem and began to summarise the problem as I was writing it down (Appendix B). I proceeded to calculate as shown in the table (Appendix A). Lastly, I compared my answers to each other to determined which of the four calculations will “not change after Sally sees the movie” (ACARA,2012). My answer was A, the median. I did not have any difficulties in solving this problem and I am confident that my answer is

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