Compare And Contrast Montezuma And Aztecs

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During the 1480s and the 15000s many powerful leaders finally had their chance to step up and help in the new world. These leaders ranged from Montezuma II, the leader of the Aztecs. Montezuma had , heard of the Spaniards’ approach and sent gifts to appease them. After reaching the city of Tenochtitlán, Montezuma personally welcomed them and provided lodging in a palace. Hernán Cortés, a spanish conquistador, had recognized that his men were vastly outnumbered and took Montezuma hostage. In the ensuing fighting, Montezuma was later killed. Cortés and his men retreated from Tenochtitlán only after suffering significant losses. Which would have a greater impact than he would have thought. Cortez would later enter Tenochtitlan again only