
Compare And Contrast North And South America

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North and South: Same Country, Different Society

In todays world The United States of America is a leading nation, one that people dream to come to and live a better, and free life; however, it was not always seen this way. In 1605 Jamestown, the first official colony was developed in Virginia. The new nation began to be a place where people could escape religious persecution and for others a place to prosper in wealth. The New World had much less appeal at the time, invested with disease and in some cases seen as a death trap for those who inhabited it. As people began to settle in this place and develop colonies, although the majority of them were of English origin, the north and the south develop separate and distinct society’s. This …show more content…

This is because at the time England had a law that gave the oldest sons in the family the land of his father. Since England was largely over inhabited this prevented younger sons from acquiring any land. This intern led to the migration of many young males to the New World. In a list of immigrants bound for the New World on July 30, 1635, over 60 men were headed to the southern colony of Virginia and only 11 women. Because so many single men inhabited the southern colonies the lifestyle was extraordinarily different than in the north. On major difference was the need for slave labor. Men had large plantations that could not be efficiently run without many helping hands. This eventually led to a huge demand for African slaves, thus causing the south to be a major contributor to the triangle slave trade. The men had vast territories to protect and without slave labor the plantations would not have been successful enough to maintain income. In the north, there was not such a high demand for labor because the climate was not as prime for farming and agriculture. The winters were long and harsh and the soil was not as fertile. Because of this, if slaves were necessary in the north, the colonist relied mainly on Native

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