
Compare And Contrast Phelps And Hester Prynne

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In Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel The Scarlet Letter, when looking at the character Hester Prynne, one observes her sin and how it affects the rest of her life. When comparing Hester to someone else in society, it is clear her life narrative closely relates to Michael Phelps. Hester Prynne is like Michael Phelps because they both made a mistake, followed by a harsh punishment, and then were later reintroduced into society. When comparing Hester Prynne and Michael Phelps, we can see a similarity in the fact they both commit a small sin that follows them. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne commits the sin of adultery. This was a small lapse of judgement on Hester’s part that causes her years of pain. Hester, while living
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