Compare And Contrast Royal Colonies And New England Colonies

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In the 16th the American colonies, governments took three courses, all based on English traditions. The colonies became a testing ground for developing governments, from which the founders drew heavily when they enlisted the United States Constitution. At the base of each colony was its charter, a written agreement between the dependency and the queen of England (or with Parliament in the case of George), which authorized its existence and set up rules of procedure. The three figures of colonial governments were: Royal Colonies, Proprietary Colonies, and Charter Colonies. I will compare and contrast two regions were known as Southerners and the New England areas. Both of these areas have separate and unique identities. The deviation, was numerous from economically, socially, and politically. Traditionally English viewpoints were formed the foundation for colonial political, economic, and religious policies. Charter of royal colonies (Southern colonies) subjected the government to engineer control the monarchy. Governors and royal councils were appointed by the king. Governors were very stern, had nearly full authority, and closely …show more content…

The southern Colonies were established early on after the Settlement of Jamestown in 1607.The geography of the southern colonies was hilly coastal plains with plenty of forests. The climate was the warmest of the three regions, winters not difficult to survive, warmer climate gave rise to spread of disease. In the South there was a great divide of rich and poor. The Southern Colonies was plantation economy based on single crops mainly tobacco and rice. New England Colonies subsistence, family operated farm and business economy dependent upon small farmers and merchants. The Southern area was significant slave population provided most labor for the large plantations. New England families provided most labor on their farms and in their