Compare And Contrast Russia And American Industrialization

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America VS Russia in Industrialization
Revolution of Industrialization was like a new era in the 18th century. It began when people feel that they need more goods to survive and continue living while they have all needs to industry. People started to find new goods and use new tools, which means they were innovated. Revolution of industry first started in Europe, and people slowly developing the process. Later, people in the entire world competing on developing industry. For example, in Europe, Germany, England, and France were competing each other at that time. On the other side, in America, U.S were controlling all over the territory, which produced about 34% of all of the world’s production. Also, china and Japan were growing in industry …show more content…

Because of the size of the country, and the goods that it has, it gives the country to reproduce about 35 percent of all of the world goods. Also, America generated an independent industry. However, Russian were controlled by the government, so the farmers were not free as those who were in America. And about marketing, 65% of the American marketing was produced in America, and only about one-third of the marketing were coming outside the country, which mostly from Britain, French, and Germany. This technic gives more opportunity to the country to be rich and depend on them. In case, Germany, French and England were the other side of business that is in contact with America in exchanging goods. While many Business Company and government were trying to develop industrialization, there were some people of business are bright in the history of industrialization. For example, Henry Ford, who established the company of ford in America, is counting as self-made America industrialists. He gains his goal by daring and working hard on a land of endless opportunity. American Government, later, tried to make taxes more difficult on people and change the system to benefit to the government, however it did not succeeds it makes difference in the class, which were