Compare And Contrast Siddhartha And Buddhism

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Plato and Buddhists’ Notion of Enlightenment During this time philosophical ideas were at its peak in which many people chose one to religiously follow in hopes of reaching some kind of good beyond their life. They choose to live by a notion that will somehow guarantee them a leeway to heaven or a great afterlife. These components involve both restrictions and luxuries in which they could participate in. Both notions share one common very important goal which is to become enlightened and be one with their peace and human self. Plato and Siddhartha were both men who decided to execute this puzzle of life in hopes of finding the way correct way to live for everyone else. These two did this in a way that was quite similar to one another but also very different in some aspects. Plato and Buddha were both men who decided to abandon their daily lives and families to create a better life for the rest of the world. They chose to sacrifice the way they lived to ensure that the earth would be filled with people of immense knowledge and wisdom. Along with this exploration came the fact that they weren’t quite sure what was exactly they were looking for. In order to reach a point in which they had an idea the two men had to get rid of all they had and essentially empty their minds to find some kind of conclusion. Sidartha did was able to achieve this so prolonged for notion as he was “One day, seated beneath the Bodhi tree (the tree of …show more content…

Plato once said, “For a man to conquer himself as the first and noblest of all victories” while Buddha saying, “It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours” supporting the idea of their