Compare And Contrast Slaughterhouse Five By Cormac Mccarthy

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Compare and Contrast The Road and Slaughterhouse five
The Road by Cormac McCarthy and Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonngut both are set in time periods not limited to the present. They both explore the aspects of horror and resilience through survival. Both books also have tremendously different meanings which add to the imagery found throughout the book. So I am going to explain why The Road by Cormac Mcarthy is of higher quality literature compared to Slaughterhouse Five. Due to the fact that The Road overall has more imagery that appeals to the senses, the imagery is more descriptive and the imagery evokes feelings that connect to the novel.
The first major difference that makes The Road of higher quality literature is the utter fact that …show more content…

Now as a reader this brings a clear picture into the mind of a prolonged squeal type of sound that readers can picture. But in contrast when we look at imagery found within Slaughterhouse five the comparison to the senses is much less noticeable. In the book we see Billy cleaning up the rotting cadavers; he describes the cadavers as “rotted and liquefied, and the stink was like roses and mustard” (Vonnegut 214). Now the roses are a very distinct smell most can acknowledge but when the author puts mustard and roses together it's overall harder to imagine the smell for. Therefore making some of the readers confused and not being able to imagine the bigger picture on why the author put this imagery in the novel. Next as we look at another example in the novel The Road lets see how well the author's choice of imagery helps us visualize what is being brought up. Like when the Man and the Boy are walking and they come across a stranger. The stranger looks unwell but the narrator tells us “he was burnt looking as the country, his clothing scorched and black. One of his eyes burnt shut and his hair was but a nitty wig of ash upon his blackened