Compare And Contrast Sports Drinks Vs Water

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Sports Drinks vs. Water Do teens really think that sports drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade are more likely to cure dehydration than water? The author of the article titled “Are Sports Drinks Healthier Than Soda? Teens Think So” opposes their opinion and I highly agree. Sports drinks are not as healthy as regular drinking water is because of how much sugar is in them. Most teenagers tend to think that sugar water with artificial flavoring is more beneficial than regular drinking water, but in reality, it is about half as unhealthy than soda such as Coke and Pepsi. Researchers show that teenagers get approximately 10 to 15 percent of their daily calories from drinking sports drinks. As teenagers continue to drink them, obesity rates increase annually. Twenty percent of teenagers from the state of Texas polled in the Pediatrics were considered obese or overweight. Servings in both sports drinks and soda are high; a 32-ounce of Gatorade has as much as 224 calories while a 12-ounce Coke can has 162 calories, all from sugar. Why are people influenced to play more sports when drinking Gatorade and not natural spring water? Teens who drink sports drinks on a daily basis usually are more physically active mainly because of how many supposed electrolytes are in the drinks. This …show more content…

They tend to increase physical activity because of how sports drinks companies market them. For example, when I see a commercial for Gatorade, I usually notice how the person presenting the product is either playing a sport or working out. Sometimes the person is a famous athlete telling their audience how they should buy that specific sports drink. Teens are influenced by famous celebrities and athletes all the time and they want to have the things that those famous people

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