Compare And Contrast The American Revolution And Other Revolutions

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The enlightenment improved by human action in the Atlantic Region through political arrangements that were engineered. Liberty, free trade, equality, rationality, sovereignty through popularity, natural rights, and others provided the underpinnings for the following revolutions in world history.

The American revolution was so revolutionary compared to the Other Revolutions because the American revolution was Marked as a Political Change, meaning policies and other aspects of politics were changes instead of the other way to do it, as well as it worked to preserve the freedoms of the already existing colonies to better everyone's lives

Unlike the American Revolution, the French one had a driving force of conflict throughout the french society. The french Revolution had a significant amount …show more content…

The Enlightenment and the ideas and beliefs that came with it also drove power to the people to fight for their land and whatnot. France and Latin American revolutions were very violent which caused a major impact in france and Latin America, and were taken as a lesson to not be as violent, and so the spanish revolution would not be as deadly as the previous ones were

During the Period of the Enlightenment, its major thinkers became more and more against slavery, one major example being Voltaire. Christians Quakers of the time pushed for abolition of such ideas and treatment of people. The Haitian Revolt for example made slavery look unwise politically because there was no longer a promise of free labor

The new lives of former slaves did not improve well if at all in any economic way, and Outside of Haiti, slaves that were freed from they owners had no way of achieving anything that even remotely resemble equality, even though these past slaves were