Compare And Contrast The Five Mosaics

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The five mosaics I have chosen, exemplify the following passage #1 which depict lifeless and motionless figures who are only sought as suggestive figurative decorations. In relation to passage #2, my mosaics are given by example, due to their visual representations of such divinity. Including, the art's illustrations which are known to be scenes of events relaying its religion.All of the religions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism worship but one God whom is believed to be all-powerful. Contrary to popular belief, Christianity and Islam have more similarities than with their counterpart, Judaism. Not only do the religions of Christianity and Islam believe in and discuss the afterlife quite often, but they also believe in the resurrection …show more content…

Despite all that are in common, they do share key differences from one another, and one is their followers' titles. Those which follow Christianity are called Christians, those who follow the religion Islam are called Muslims, and those who follow Judaism are entitled Jews. To continue to contrast these religions, Christians follow their 10 commandments, Muslims their 5 pillars, and finally, Jews their law of Moses. Concluding, with the days of prayer, Christians go to church on Sundays as it is considered a holy day, Jews, on Friday and Saturday, and Muslims worship and pay their respects five times a day.Islam initially appealed to slaves and the lower classes more than the aristocracy because Muhammad's teachings primarily focused on the practice of social reformation. With the aristocracy in charge, they did not want their power or wealth to be swayed, nor did they want the lower classes to have more power or an improved way of life, so they may not be able to justly institute changeThe two major branches of Islam are of the Sunni and the Shia. The Sunni follow the 5 pillars of Islam, and the Shia follow the 10 basic …show more content…

It does not constitute the practices of spreading ruin and other vulgar actions, which may be against humanity, and of the world. It actually condemns such actions, by stating within its text, that they should strive "to be a community of moderation" (Qur'an 2:143). So any actions which have resulted by the extremist followers of this religion, institute no just actions of their religion.I think that the Byzantine Empire outlasted the Western Roman Empire because they had a more improved political and economic stability. They also had their long reign due to their invulnerability from invasion, both geographically, and also from their useful expansion of manpower combat, internally.I think that the United States is subject to similar pressures as the Western Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire due to combinations of internal and external factors. This is because of the broadened advancements of technology has weakened powers, in

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