Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is a crucial government agency that plays a vital role in reducing the risk that citizens and communities face during disasters. This agency was not well known or seems to exist until a disaster has occurred. Hurricane Katrina and 9-11 terrorist attack demonstrated the need to strength the Federal Emergency Management Agency along with educating the private and public sectors on mitigation planning and preparedness. Mitigation planning and Preparedness are two functions that are critical for families, businesses and communities. These roles work together in an effort to minimize the effects of natural and man-made disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, earthquake and mudslides by responding quickly and effectively. Identify five roles in mitigation planning and preparedness Hazard identification is the procedure that establishes and identifies all possible disasters that a community is exposed to or already has happen. The main focus is to …show more content…
This plan implements policies, codes, and programs that guide community development or redevelopment Running head: Roles of the Public and Private Sector 3 patterns (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2014). Sustainability in mitigation planning encompasses assistance and local integration by implementing guidance and tool on how to minimize possible weaknesses. To compare and contrast the private and public sector with sustainability in mitigation planning are equally focus on proving strength to the communities and providing resources that are long term for individuals and their household. Exercise and training is another aspect of sustainability that identified areas that are strong or weak and make the appropriate