Compare And Contrast The French And Indian War

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1. The French and Indian War, known as the Seven Years’ War, began in 1754 and came to an end with the Treaty of Paris in 1763. Two European imperial powers, Great Britain and France, were at war over territory, trade routes and resources. The war began over a specific issue of whether the Ohio River valley was a part of the British Empire or the French empire. This land made it greatly accessible for trade and settlement to either of the imperial powers. Behind the problem with the Ohio River valley territory, a much greater conflict arose, the question of which nation was going to dominate North America. Both the British Empire and New France allied with Indian tribes as armed support. A foreign nation greatly affected by the war was Great …show more content…

Mercantilism is the theory or policy that started in the 1600’s. It is a system in which trade generates money and profitable balances. Mercantilism was introduced to the colonies by England. They passed many laws such as the Navigation Laws, which gave them control to our trade. This affected the colonies because any trade done with Europe had to first pass through England. Certain products could only be made in England, we gave them the raw materials, they would make the product and they would make the money. The system of mercantilism may have stifled the American initiative in its economy. It also meant currency depreciation and gouging. There was also the good side of mercantilism, America had a monopoly on tobacco. The British also enumerated protected goods, which means products such as sugar, tobacco, cotton, indigo, furs and iron could only be sold to English merchants. The colonies also provided rum, cotton, sugars, molasses and some products which were highly demanded by African imperialist. This meant the start of slave trade. The African imperialist sent slaves for labor into the colonies, we returned products and goods. Economically this meant a lot of money for both the British and the colonies, but the colonies had insufficient bullion. Gold and silver bullion was the means for the British economy, this forces the colonies to issue paper currency. Mismanagement in this type of currency resulted in inflation. The British also imposed many taxes because of their constant state of war, combined with the inflation, this created great colonial