
Compare And Contrast The Great Gatsby

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The USA is a spot where you can make your dreams happen. These aspirations are when you start from the bottom and work your way to the top through hard work and self determination. The American Dream is the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or financial situation you are brought into, can obtain their interpretation of wealth and success in Society. F Scott Fitzgerald’ novel The Great Gatsby is about a group of wealthy people who are dazzled by money, power and other things. The characters in this story that try to pursue their version of the American Dream are Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway who are good friends, but both who strived for this goal never achieve their form of luxury. Jay Gatsby who is the main character …show more content…

This was because of Daisy Buchanan who Jay loved and was his motivation for getting rich, despite that he was never able to get the love of his wife and was never able to recreate the past between each other in Louisville back in 1917. Gatsby is loses his hopes when: “with every word she was drawing further into herself, so he gave that, and only the dead dream fought on as the afternoon slipped away, trying to touch what was no longer tangible, struggling unhappily, undespairingly, toward that lost voice across the room.”(Fitzgerald 103). Chapter 7 is Nick's description of Daisy when Tom exposes Jay for his shady businesses such as bootlegging and possibly other illegal activities. Daisy hears these revelations and begins to shut down and stops listening to him because she doesn’t want to be a part of Gatsby's criminal lifestyle. This killed his dream of reuniting with …show more content…

Nick never achieves the American Dream because he is in a dilemma with his ideals with his Long Island life compared to his midwestern life which felt more grounded compared to New York's Grotesque, materialistic and careless way of life, which he was disgusted by. Nick begins to realize that anything can happen in Long Island when, “Anything can happen now we’ve slid over the bridge. I thought anything at all…. even Gatsby could happen, without any particular wonder.”(Fitzgerald 54) Carraway describes the scene when he and Gatsby are driving over the Valley of Ashes when going to New York City. Gatsby having association with people in the city made Nick think that you’re happy. He begins to see that the American Dream is becoming corrupt and wonders if Gatsby is doing something sinister that he won’t reveal to Nick. Nick begins to reflects on the American Dream and how people try to reach it at the end of the book when he says, “so we beat on,boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”(Fitzgerald 138). Nick is saying that our past is going to impact our future. This reflection shows no matter how much wealth or success we achieve, we will always want more and chase it again and again. Nick is disturbed from the wealthy lifestyle of Long Island because of how privileged, careless, and ignorant the people of the eggs

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