Compare And Contrast The Movie O And Othello

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The movie "O" is the perfect representation of a modern-day Othello, each element in the movie from the characters to the plot all correspond to the original play. Though they had many similarities in the plots, characters and even theme, they had minor differences that made it obvious which was the more modern version. For every character in the play Othello there 's a character in the movie that goes through the exact same thing. For example in the play Iago and Roderigo team up and plot against Othello, and Iago pretends that Desdemona and Iago are going to break up so Roderigo can come into the picture but the end of it all Iago ends up killing Roderigo. The same thing happens in the movie. Hugo uses Roger to plot against Odin he also tells him that Desi and Odin are going to break up. When his plan fails Hugo ends up killing Roger. Shakespeare 's themes and ideas do transcend time and this movie proves that they do. In Shakespeare 's play Othello the main theme was jealousy. The play was written in 1603 and when it was being performed it was something the people in the audience could relate to. Here we are in 2017 watching a movie that was released in 2001 that we all still can relate to. The theme jealousy is timeless, four hundred years ago jealousy was an issue people dealt with. Today in 2017 we are still dealing with jealousy. We 've all had our own Iago or Hugo sometimes we might 've been someone else 's Iago or Hugo. We 've all been jealous before so sometimes