Compare And Contrast The Native American Treatment Of Natives

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Treatment of Native Americans Vs. Canadians

The Natives, the people in North America long before the settlers arrived. The indigenous people that had ruled the lands long before any other, but they are treated terribly. Native Canadians and Americans have always been subject to discrimination, racism, and just overall have been treated wrong. Many people know how terribly the Native Americans were treated, but were the Candaians just as bad in treating their natives? The Native Canadians had been treated just as bad as the Native Americans, if not worse. How, why and to what extent were they both treated? Most people have had encounters over the years when it comes to learning a new terrifying fact about what Americans did to the natives, …show more content…

He believed it was his land and they should get off it, which is very harsh considering the Native were there first. Unlike the Native Americans, the Native Canadians do not get as much attention for the racism and discrimination they had faced over the many years. The indigenous of Canada faced many of the same challenges the Americans had faced. An example of this is the Indian Act and many others that have been passed in Canada. In particular when Academic Britannica Stated “ Canada’s 1868 Act Providing for the Organisation of the Department of the Secretary of State of Canada and for the Management of Indian and Ordnance Lands (sometimes referred to as the first Indian Act, although an …show more content…

In America many Natives had been discriminated against and thrown off of their land, and the same thing had happened in canada. In Canada information from New York Times “Canada's National Center for Truth and Reconciliation lists 36 students as having died at the school. But lack of access to former school records, among other factors, means that the center believes that its account greatly understates the numbers of deaths at all schools.” tells us that the canadian natives were brutally murdered in some cases in the place they should've been able to feel safe. Whereas in America in an article by Gale Opposing Viewpoints, Indigenous People's Day is a federal holiday now. Activists want to drop Columbus Day, a very important question is asked, and that is “DYLAN BACA: Should we recognize a man who raped, killed children, killed women, decimated the Native American population here?” In this quote Dylan is completely right, because as settlers coming over to america, the settlers decimated the population of Native Americans, not only by killing them, but also by spreading diseases and raping them. With all this evidence it is safe to say Canada had it just as bad with the natives as America