Compare And Contrast The Northern And Confederate Soldiers In The Civil War

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As you know being in an army could be quite difficult for soldiers. Both Union soldiers and Confederate soldiers train everyday and do certain duties to get ready for the American Civil War. However, there are huge differences between the two armies. Before the war started, most of the soldiers from both North and South had been farmers. If the Southerners did not farm they either became carpenters, mechanics, merchants, machinist, lawyers, teachers, blacksmiths, or a dentist. Either way, the people from the North and South had reasons why they joined the army. The main purpose was to fight for patriotism, state pride, adventure, and a steady pay. Having that said, the Union soldiers also fought to preserve the Union. The Confederate soldiers fought to defend their homes and sometimes they attacked because if the Union wins, it could lead the black people be placed with the whites. The Union and Confederate soldiers had supplies that they could get easily or very difficult. The Union army usually had hard bread, salted pork or other meats. They also had sugar, salt, and coffee. Although foods are easy to reach, soon fresh meat and coffee, fresh fruits and vegetables became scarce. However, the Confederates had to scavenge for fresh fruits and vegetables. …show more content…

In fact, the Union used the blockades to debar from the south to obtain weapons, goods, and troops from infiltrating. To point out that this blockade emerged a few weeks after the Civil War developed. Towards the end of the war, the blockade had an extraordinary impact on the South. In that case, it resulted from people starving from the paucity from a shortage of supplies. Therefore, the economy growth came to terminate. Under those circumstances, the Union blockade was a portion of a tremendous strategy known as the Anaconda Plan. This was another plan to to limit supplies for the South. The Union General Winfield Scott was determined to constrict the