Compare And Contrast The Trial Of The Scottsboro Boys

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In the south back in the 1930’s there were many Americans who did not know the meaning of equality for all. With this being the case, many black people faced discrimination daily and it followed through to the legal systems especially in the south where both being compared took place. The evidence provided in both trials proved to be weak. Despite this, both defendants had determined lawyers who believed in justice. On March 25, 1931 the lives of nine black teenagers changed after they were allegedly accused of being involved in a gang rape of two white females. This began when a fight broke out on a train after a white male named Orville Gilley stepped on the hand of a black male named Haywood Patterson who was hanging from the train itself (Linder, “The Trials of the Scottsboro Boys”). The white males involved went to a stationmaster to report the alleged assault which resulted with posse members coming to take the nine black males away. (Linder, “The Trials of the Scottsboro Boys”). Two white, female mill workers named Ruby Bates and Victoria Price also accused the nine black males to raping them. (Linder, “The Trials of the Scottsboro Boys”). After their arrest, all …show more content…

Leibowitz had a record in representations which included seventy-seven acquittals, one hung jury, and no convictions (Linder, Samuel Leibowitz). This experienced gained him some respect and thick skin for he did not stop until he felt justice was served for the nine boys. Atticus was less experienced with successful trials as mentioned that “His first two clients were the last two persons hanged in the Maycomb County Jail” (Lee 5). Atticus did do all he could in his hands to help Tom but deep down he knew the case was not going to have a good ending. Both lawyers did their part to defend their clients in the two