Compare And Contrast The Yellow Wallpaper And The Story Of An Hour

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Back in the 1800s there were these two leaders who were trying to leave their husbands because they want to go on and live their own life and be free but in both of the stories these women had something wrong with them one of the women Mrs Mallard had depression which makes her sad and the other lady Ms Kate Chopin was going through with heart problems a bunch of problems from all her years of being married.

These women were being controlled by their husbands and all they wanted was to be free live their lives, but the story talks about how these women wanted to be married to these men because they want to just enjoy the life they with these men, but they would be treated like dogs, so they are trying everything in there power to leave and …show more content…

"The Story of an Hour" and "The Yellow Wallpaper" are two powerful short stories that explore the theme of women's oppression in society during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. While both stories present different narratives and situations, they share a common message: women were often confined by social norms and expectations that restricted their freedom and autonomy. Both stories reveal how women were marginalised and denied a voice and agency, leading to psychological distress and even tragedy. They serve as a reminder of the importance of acknowledging and respecting women's rights and agency, and the need to combat oppressive societal norms and expectations that continue to exist today. Ultimately, "The Story of an Hour" and "The Yellow Wallpaper" offer a powerful commentary on the complexities of gender and social expectations, it is so different now in 2023 because men and women have equal power over each other but back then men overpower women by a long shot, and it wasn't right for