Compare And Contrast The Yellow Wallpaper And Rules Of The Game

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Charlotte Gilman 's "The Yellow Wallpaper" and Amy Tan 's "Rules of the Game" are two different short stories that have similarities but a lot of differences. The reason these short stories are so different is because the authors have different writing styles and inspirations. "The Yellow Wallpaper" and "Rules of the Game" were written almost 100 years apart so the authors lifestyles were different. Gilman and Tan have different backgrounds, have different ways of using figurative language, and different purposes in their writing. Charlotte Gilman was born in Connecticut on July 3, 1860. Her father left her mother when Charlotte was five. Her mother was left to raise her and her brother who was fourteen months older. Due to the …show more content…

"The Yellow Wallpaper" was influenced by Gilman 's rhetorical situation. In the beginning of the short story the audience is told about her depression. The readers are not aware at the severity of her depression until the end when it drivers her insane. The narrator in the story mentions how the husband never listens to her and tells her to get over it. This may be because she did not grow up with a father in her life so she does not think they care much. The bad marriage the narrator and her husband has is also seen in her writing. Charlotte 's marriage to Charles was never a good marriage. She felt trapped in her marriage with no escape. This is shown in "The Yellow Wallpaper" because she is trapped in this room while her husband goes to work. The most obvious influence in her life told in "The Yellow Wallpaper" is her depression. In the story she explains her depression and how doctors tried treatments and nothing seemed to work. She describes how she feels trapped with no help and drives herself insane. The story ends with her husband claiming for a divorce while he falls on the ground out of distraught. This could be showing how her and Charles got a divorce. He could have gotten tired of dealing with her depression and claimed to divorce