
Compare And Contrast Touchscreen And The Veldt

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“The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury shares many similarities with the poem “Touchscreen,” by Marshall Soulful Jones. These two texts share a related interpretation. “The Veldt” and “Touchscreen” are two texts written on behalf of technology, and how it can set you aside from the real world. Both of these passages depict the same theme, and this is proved in the text. “The Veldt” is a perfect example of how you can become dependent on technology, and make you forget about real life and relationships. The family in the story owns a smart-house, which makes it so that they have to do no work, and the house is functioned by technological devices. The parents realize that all of this technology caused their kids and family to become spoiled and forget …show more content…

The poem states, “It was difficult to connect when friends formed cliques / now it’s even more difficult to connect / now that clicks form friends” (Jones 15-17). These lines from “Touchscreen” figuratively say that technology can consume you so much that you forget who your real friends are. These quotes from “The Veldt” and “Touchscreen” are very similar. The similarity is that technology can bring you into a whole new world and make you distant from the people who you should really live with. There is much proof in these two texts which can demonstrate a common theme. A piece of text from “The Veldt” states, “The house was full of dead bodies, it seemed. It felt like a mechanical cemetery. So silent. None of the humming hidden energy of machines waiting to function at the tap of a button.” This quote illustrates how an individual can become too dependent on technology, and when there is none, the whole world feels difficult. “Touchscreen” contains similar lines. The poem states, “Can’t hear the sound of mother nature speaking over all this / tweeting / and our ability to feel along with it is fleeting” (Jones 45-47). These two quotes have a lot in common. The line from “The Veldt”

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