
Compare And Contrast Zinn And Columbus On The Indians

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Their views on the Europeans are quite similar, however, Johnson viewed them as adventurous individuals seeking to expand their horizon. The Europeans wanted to develop a new beginning of civilization. The shared and imposed their religious views on the Indigenous people. The Europeans wanted to change these people whole culture, in other words, the way they lived and their entire lifestyle due to the fact that they viewed them as barbaric and uncivilized. Johnson discussed how the Europeans enslaved the Indigenous people but his focus or rather how he portrayed the Europeans arrival was focused mainly on how they took charge of the people and their power over them. Whereas Zinn described how the Europeans were intrigued by the American Indigenous. He mentioned that they were puzzled by the fact that these people were giving and they were not as possessive as the Europeans. Zinn went further to mention that when the Europeans arrived the Indigenous people gave generously to them, but Johnson discussed their views on taking over and seeking riches. 2. What light do these documents shed Zinn and Johnson arguments? Where do you see support for Zin perspective? For Johnson? …show more content…

In the first document, Columbus on the Indians’ Discovery of the Spanish, 1492 discussed views that Zinn may agree with. It talks about the Indians sharing and exchanging items with the Europeans in which Columbus found fascinating. The second document supported Johnson’s perspective because it mention that the Europeans wanted to take over and they wanted to convert these people to Christianity. Additionally the Europeans wanted to impose their beliefs and punished the Indians for their beliefs. This document definitely supported Johnson’s views of the Europeans which is to conquer and rule over other nations

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