Compare Christian Responses To Black Death

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The responses to the Black Death by Christians and Muslims were majorly different. These two religions handled the plague oddly in some cases, but each hoped to find a cure I their faith. Christians turned to blame when looking for an explanation for the Black Death. Although, in the Muslim community, some decided to come together to find a remedy. One may think one of the religions responded correctly to the Great Pestilence, but living in a time when your society is apart it could be hard to be rational. Christian responses are seen to be greatly different from Muslim reactions. Christians perceived the plague as a curse from God. Believed to have committed too many sins, the Christians prayed and pleaded to be forgiven. Once the plague had overtaken the Christians lives, they decided to flee and morals began to break down because they realized the church was not helping them get better. The most major part in some opinions was the burning of the Jews. Christians accused the Jews of poisoning their wells- which spread the plague, some think this was revenge leading back to the crucifixion. One may think the Muslims acted in a more conventional manor compared to the Christians. Islam took the Black Death as a blessing from God as opposed to a curse. The Muslims also brought the Christians and the Jews together that lived within their …show more content…

In some areas Christians, Jews, and Muslims came together and hoped for a cure. The ones in their community without the disease fasted and also prayed together. Each of these religions were different in rationalization but overall, they each went through hardships of the Black Death. Even though the Muslims kept a cool exterior, I am sure some of them- just like Christians- thought it was caused by someone for revenge or rather a punishment from

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