Compare The Prodigal Faith And Young Goodman Brown

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In the two short stories, “Young Goodman Brown,” by Nathaniel Hawthorne and “The Prodigal Son,” by St. Luke there is a parallel struggle of faith. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story, “Young Goodman Brown” is a very dark tale of mystery and deceit that surrounds a young man’s test of true faith in his battle against the evil one. In the parable of “The Prodigal Son,” Christ gives the reader a picture of God’s unfailing love toward His children and His ever constant surrounding presence. Faith is tested in each of these stories and the choice becomes to either succumb to this evil world, turn to God, or perhaps something else altogether. Although each story differs in climactic endings, both protagonists in each story reflect the struggle of one’s very soul by their reluctance to fully submit to God. “Young Goodman Brown” In the short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne, “Faith” is the name of Young Goodman Brown’s wife and is also a metaphor for his inner faith in God. When Brown chooses an evening of sin and deceit, before being completely honest and devoted to his wife, Faith, he embarks on a journey that will change his life forever. Down a dark and crooked path, Brown comes face to face with the devil himself. Satan gives Young Goodman Brown a stark glimpse into the very evil of this world and the evil within man. This challenges everything good that Brown has ever known. Satan reveals the evil secret that exposes the sacrilege among the townspeople, including Brown’s own wife.