Compare The Ways In Which You Compare And Contrast National Anthems And The Flags

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I would like to start by saying that as I have learned more about these two countries I have found, that in some ways they are more alike than I expected. In other ways they are almost completely different. In this essay I will compare the similarities and differences between Canada and the U.S in these three subjects: their Government, National Anthems and the flags. The Canadian government is a Constitutional Monarchy; where the Monarch is the head of state and is the foundation of the Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches. The government also consists of the prime minister and Parliament. In practice the legislative power belongs to Parliament and the Executive power is in the hands of the Prime Minister and his cabinet. The judicial powers are in the hands of the Supreme Court of Canada. The U.S government is similar but a little different. It is a Republic where the constitution is the Main document of law and the federal government has three branches (like Canada) they are the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. Executive powers belong to the …show more content…

“O Canada” is the song that represents Canada. In this song it speaks about how beautiful the scenery is and it states “we stand on guard for thee” meaning they will serve and protect their country. “The Star Spangled Banner” is the song chosen for the United States National Anthem. The theme that this song bears is that of courage. The song tells the story of a bombardment of bombs upon the flag and at the end it was still flying over the fort that had been bombed. The song states “The bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there” stating that the bombs that hailed upon the fort could not bring that flag down. Both countries have wonderful patriotism and love for their countries and they show it through their national

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