Vygotsky's Theories On Cognitive Development

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Introduction Cognitive development is a field of study in both psychology and neuroscience which focuses on the development of a child based on their ability to use mental processes to think and reason. The findings of Lev Vygotsky have become the basis of much research and theory on cognitive development over the past few decades. Body Vygotsky and Piaget both agreed that a child does not absorb knowledge passively, but rather through active participation. Vygotsky believed that children’s cognitive skills were acquired through socially interacting with the adults and children surrounding them. These interactions with “more knowledgeable others” results in active learning. Vygotsky’s theories stress the importance of social interaction …show more content…

He believed that there was a definite relationship between cognitive and language development. An important question researched by Vygotsky was whether thought preceded language or vice versa and what the relationship between thought and language was. Initially his theory suggested that language and thought were separate processes and he believed that at the age of two, language and thought became related and language herewith begins to have a big influence on cognitive and social development. Vygotsky believed that language development was due to the process and influence of culture. Vygotsky therefore believed that cognitive development was derived from conversation and dialogue with society especially from the input of more knowledgeable others. This contrasts Piaget who believed that cognitive development is a result of interaction with one’s environment. Vygotsky described the differences between elementary and higher mental functions as elementary level functions being naturalistic behaviours which we develop through experience, whereas higher mental functions are not acquired though experience, but through leaning i.e. Paying attention memory,